The Denver Cluster

Momma says we’re going to 4 shows, again.  Well, I just did 4 shows in Arizona two weeks ago…and now 4 more.  I’m a New Champion – what else is there?  Momma says that since we were already entered in the show, and it’s a local show, that we need to go for points for the other dogs.

It’s a weird format – two clubs host the show at two different locations.   Friday, we had 2 shows, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Then, we didn’t show Saturday.  We showed again on Sunday and Monday.

Friday, the AM show, it had snowed the night before and the roads were so icy…that made Momma late to the show site (by 4 minutes) so she couldn’t move me up to the Specials Class – that’s where all the Champions show.  So, I had to stay in Open, which I won – and ended up going Best of Winners and Winners Dog.  Cayman, my brother, was Best of Opposite.

Friday, the PM show, Momma moved me up – so my very first time shown as a Champion…and guess what?  Yep, I won Best of Breed.  Heck yes!  That win gave me 5 points towards my Grand Championship!  Yeah!  I guess that’s the new goal, according to Momma.

Sunday and Monday I won Best of Opposite, for Grand Champion points.

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