Howdy, Y’all!

I had a successful, albeit hot and humid, dog show weekend in Dallas, Texas!  Momma drove me and my big brother Kaba all hours of the night.  Whew it was a long drive!  And, I got to see Kansas, Oklahoma, and finally the Lone Star State. The highlight of the drive was my first out-of-state “dog park” adventure – at Oasis on the Plains in Colby, KS.  Momma said it wasn’t a real dog park, hence the quote marks, since it’s at a gas station.  And, it was just me and Kaba in the dog park – stretching our legs after a few hours in our crates.  What fun I had running amok with Kaba – until Momma tried to get me back in the car.  We all know how I feel about car…no way Jose.  But, I copy what Kaba does…so I followed and let Momma put my leash on me – and reluctantly settled back into the kennel inside Momma’s private jet.  She told me that I can no longer run free at a “dog park” – hmmm, we shall see about that.

We arrived in the Big ‘D’ (what a cool name for Dallas btw), about 4:30am.  Luckily, our first dog show ring time wasn’t until 12:45pm.  So, I let Momma and Kaba sleep 4 hours, then I work them up because it was way past my breakfast time (normally 6 am Mountain).  I’m regimented like that, yet considerate that Momma may be a bit tired.  Kaba said we sleep in until Momma says it’s time…but I’m obnoxious when I’m hungry – hungoxious, as Momma says.  Momma says a lot!

Off to the dog show site, in 90+ degree weather – it was good the show was indoors!  Momma brought along two show site kennels, and we got to be in the cool air-conditioning with Nuri (my half sister), and Copper (yep, that Copper – my Bro.)   Both of them are dog showing too – but not Kaba, he’s retired.   Aunt Robin and Uncle George are here too (I think that’s how Nuri and Copper got here, but not 100%.)  Uncle George is so chill, and he was “on guard” to make sure we were safe and no strangers bothered us.

First up was Copper – Miss Abbe showed him – and she’s so cool!  Copper won Winner’s Dog for his very first major.  It was my helpful cheering (read: barking) outside the ring –  I just know.  Momma was all excited and temporarily forgot to give me cookies, so I barked even more.  Shhhh, Momma says.  Then, it was my turn to go in the ring – I was in front of Nuri – we are both “specials” which means we have our Championships – and only get to show in the Best of Breed class.  In reality we are both Grand Champions, but I guess there isn’t a class for that.  The judge was a nice man, Kerry Lee, from Australia.  He liked me a lot and gave me Best of Breed.  Copper got Best of Winners (which means best of the non-champion dogs), and Nuri got Best of Opposite.  I got 5 more Grand Champion points for my win with 7 Pharaohs entered.  Momma says we are working on my Bronze Grand Championship which takes 100 points.  Before today, I had 29 points.

Anyway, the Hound Group was a really large group, and as the Best of Breed dog, I got to go play.  It was super fun, and Momma gave me lots of cookies.  I got to meet all kinds of other Hounds, all winners of their breeds.  A man kept taking pictures of all the dogs, and I liked the clicking noises his large camera made.  No love in group, except from Momma.  Then…it was time to eat dinner.   Texas was still really hot at night – and I’m not used to the humidity.  I was tired from the hustle and bustle of the show.  And, tomorrow is an early ring time.

The next two shows had the same results – how fun for the Bros.  Copper ended the weekend with 3 3-point majors, earning Best of Winners and Winners Dog all 3 shows.  I was Best of Breed all three shows too – and trotted off with 15 Grand Champion Points.  It was worth the trip!

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