Cayps here – and yes, we are still in California. I was so excited to wake up today – running fasty is always 2 days, right?? Well, Momma says no. That today is a dog show day. Humph. I want to go running instead.
Momma dressed up in her usual black dress and we left for the show site, in Silverado Canyon. Once we got there, I saw my Colorado buddies: Ibi, Nuri, and Copper. They live together with Aunt Robin and Uncle George. Did you know I’m related to Nuri and Copper? It’s true! We all have the same Doggie Daddy (Cayman) – but, he wants to be MY brother…so I let him! I’m cool like that.
Anyway, this is about Lucky Friday the 13th – Momma said it’s lucky because it’s a superstition. Not sure what that means… I get to show in two different shows today, and they are Pharaoh Hound specialties. My second specialties (my first was the National in New Jersey last September.) But this is my first specialty as a Special – that means I’m an AKC show champion. I got to go into the ring with my Uncle Wink, and Second Cousin Tawfik, and Cousin Swayze. How cool is that? I’m like a big dog 🙂
The first show, the judge called me “the wild child” – I raced around the ring and drug Momma behind me. I was really wanting to run, so I did. Ha! Momma was all teary-eyed because my half-sister Nuri WON! She won the specialty Best of Breed! Too cool!
The second show, I settled down a bit and remembered the dog show game. Tomorrow is a new day – and I hope we can play dog show again OR run fasty. We all know which one I’d prefer.