Cali Success and the Pacific

Turns out, I got to show off my handsome self in two more dog shows!  One on Saturday and another on Sunday.

Saturday was a blur with all the show excitement – my half-sister Nuri won Best of Breed, and this time I got to win a ribbon too…I won Select Dog.  Woot!  Not sure what all that means, other than more cookies for me.  We hung out to cheer on Nuri in the Hound Group – that’s what happens when you win Best of Breed – you get to go play in the Group with the other Best of Breed winners.  So, it’s a big deal.

Sunday we packed to go home, and because we had a later ring time…Momma took us to the Pacific Ocean!  The beach!  Momma isn’t strong enough to walk all 4 of us to the beach – so we went two by two.  I went to the beach with Cayman.  Ran around (on leash) in the sand, saw lots and lots of other dogs, and got my first taste of salt water – yuck – and sea plants – not so bad.  Momma wouldn’t let me eat it, though.  The sun was warm, but not too hot – and the ocean water was cold!  The waves were fun to chase, but a little scary when they would put water on me.  It was fun to dig in the sand, too.  Cayman really likes the beach because it makes Momma happy.

The Sunday Show was my best result, probably because of the beach time…hint, hint.  I won Best of Opposite to my half-sister Nuri…who went Best of Breed again!!  Fun time, and when can I go back to the beach?

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