Arizona in February

What an adventure is has been earning my AKC Conformation Championship!  Well, not really.  I only showed four times (in New Jersey) before I showed these past 4 days in Phoenix, Arizona.  Momma says I am amazing for finishing so quickly.  I told her, I know!  I’m the prince!

Dad drove us from Colorado to Phoenix, Arizona since Momma had to work.  Momma flew in, just in the nick of time, to show me at the Friday show.  I won Winners Dog AND Best of Winners with Judge Pam Lambie for a 3-point major.   I also won Best Owner-Handled, since Momma gets to hold my leash…and that meant I got to come back in the afternoon and bop around the ring for more practice.  Not bad since I get cookies all the time.

Saturday was a really awesome day, at least that’s what Momma says.  I won BEST OF BREED!!  Just 10 months old – not kidding – and it was in an entry of 13 Pharaoh Hounds!!  All this under judge Christine E Calcinari – she really thought I was so handsome (and told me so when we got a picture.) So, I got a 5-point major.  That also means I won Winner’s Dog and Best of Winners…oh, and we got to go play in the Owner Handler Ring AND the regular Hound Group Ring.  I’m still a baby…so my first time in the regular Hound Group Ring was a bit scary.

Sunday was a weird day for me – my Dad had to fly back home due to his work.  And I was “full of the dickens” – Momma says.  I decided I didn’t like Momma’s treats anymore, and there were so many fun Pharaoh Hounds in my open class (my cousins from Sweden, actually) – I didn’t want to show today and wanted to go play.  The judge didn’t care for my antics and put me in 3rd out of 3.  A bit of a downer after the past two days’ wins, says Momma.  But, I don’t care…

Monday.  OMG.  Monday.  Momma couldn’t stop telling me she was so proud of me.  I decided I would behave and pulled it together.  I went Best of Breed…AGAIN!  And, guess what?  I became a show champion just like my brothers Cayman and Kaba.  At just 10 months old!!  Best of Breed was worth another 5 point major, and meant that I also got Best of Winners, Winners Dog, and Best Owner Handled.  Woot!  Momma had to call Simon, my breeder, and wake him up to tell him what happened.  We didn’t stay for groups because it’s a 12-hour drive home and we showed at 8am – so best to hit the road and get out of there.  Momma was on Cloud 9 – and I was just thrilled to get new treats.  The judge, Shelley Hennessy, gushed about my floating movement.  Thanks for making me an official Champion!

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