So Cal Dreamin’

Did you know Colorado is close to California?  I didn’t either – but Momma says it’s closer than Norway.  She’s smart like that.

Little did I know that Momma’s definition of “close” was actually a 14+ hour drive.  Ugh…it was a LONG WAY.  I know Momma’s private jet goes fast, but 14 hours isn’t that fast.  Plus we go to a different time zone – Pacific time zone.  That means we eat dinner later – no fair!

On the way to Cali, I saw Utah, Nevada, and finally California.  We were headed there for the Western.  Momma took all of us: Kaba, Cayman, Gito, and of course me!  My first trip to Cali.  Momma says we are going to see the ocean – the Pacific.  I can’t wait!  But, first, we have to attend this event called the Western.  What’s the Western you ask?  Well… there’s one day of AKC lure coursing (that’s the first event…phew – and it will be my first AKC Lure coursing event.  EVER.)  Then, there are 4 dog shows spread out over 3 days.

We got to stay in a hotel in Santa Ana – and there were lots of Pharaohs staying in the hotel.  I want to meet them all!  But first… it’s time to get to bed as lure coursing is tomorrow.  Sighhhhhhhhhhh.

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