Look out ABQ!

It’s Momma’s Birthday, and Grandma Gayle (Momma’s Mom) was visiting from Sunny Arizona.  We loved having her visit for the WHOLE week!

Momma had a great birthday – except she had to drive to Albuquerque for a lure coursing event that she’s judging.  She said we get to go too.  I feel like we had just gone somewhere – and here we are…going again!  What an exciting life we have, all together.

Momma loaded up her private jet..I mean minivan (but it’s like a jet because it goes ZOOOM.)  Kaba, Cayman, Gito, and I get our own crates.  We have super plush blankets (lots of ’em), and fancy filtered water in our own buckets.  I get dental chews in the shape of dinosaurs (Momma says they are Nylabones) – but they feel good to chew on, and help me not be as nervous in the car.

Anyway, we arrived around 8pm at the Lovatos Home.  They are Momma’s super fun friends, with lots of fenced land, and we get to run around the whole place!  Gito goes hunting (for field mice mostly), and the rest of my brothers explore – I like to do that, too.  Sometimes Momma has to come find all of us because we are so busy having a blast.  He he he…it’s a fun game!   We all came back inside, and got to cuddle in bed in the elegant princess suite.   Momma says we are spoiled and so lucky to have good friends in the ABQ!

Once we got a good night’s sleep, we were up and driving to the field.  Today I got right into the crate in Momma’s jet, I mean van.  I just KNEW we were going to Run Fasty!  Yee haw!  It’s my favorite.  Besides, I’m a big winner from last week… you know?  At least that’s what Momma says.

I had such a great weekend – winning Best of Breed both days!  Woo Hoo!  I earned 4 more points towards my AKC Field Championship, too.  Momma said I ran really well and she was so happy to watch me run.

We had an easy drive home, and we all snuggled in bed together.  Good night, Momma says.  I agree.

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