Utah – or BUST!

Memorial Day weekend is a notorious Running Fasty (lure coursing) weekend in our Phamily.  This year was no exception…except, it was only 2 days of running in Fillmore, Utah.  Momma said we were going back to the first field I ever visited.  In fact, exactly one year ago, me and my Bro (Copper) got to hang out while Momma judged lure coursing – we were just 15 weeks old and had so much fun playing in the dirt!

The drive from our home to Fillmore is about 7 hours, and through the beautiful Rocky Mountains on I-70.  All of us piled into our crates: Kaba, Cayman, Gito, and me.  We were just 40 miles from our rest stop (aka Grandma Cyndi’s house in Grand Junction), when we came to a screeching halt!  Not sure what was going on, but traffic was BAD.  We hung out on the highway for an hour or so, until the Sheriff told us we had to evacuate due to a fire.  Scary…but Momma was cool and calm.  We managed to go back East, ate some dinner, and then headed to Rifle – the long way around.  We got into Fillmore about 2:30AM – thank goodness for GoogleMaps (that’s what Momma says!)

It was an early AM…after a long drive.  And, now, The Bros are all grown-up…and ready to Run Fasty for reals in Utah.  Copper and I are running in Open (for Pharaohs without their AKC Field Championship.)  Nuri, my half-sister, is running in Specials, because she is a Field Champion.  Kaba and Cayman get to run in Veterans, because they are older; 11 and 8, respectively.

Anyway, Copper and I had a blast both days.  I won Best of Breed both days, for 2 4-point majors….and drum roll…. I finished my AKC Field Championship at just 14 months old!  My Momma was so darn excited – and she said I became an AKC Dual Champion, because I already had my Conformation Championship.  Woo hoo!

I don’t think Momma has stopped smilin’ yet!  She even called Simon in Norway on the drive home.  He said I was his very first AKC DC.  I’m kind of a big deal, you know?

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