Super happy that my Uncle Justin came to visit me all the way from California. I sure do love that man! He said he came to run the lure for me – and I can’t wait to show him my smooth moves.
We got up super early and drove up to Hillsdale, WY (just east of Cheyenne, WY) – Momma brought Cayman and Kaba (they get to run in a special class called Veterans which is for the wiser and older Pharaohs.) Gito came too (he likes to ride in the car), but he doesn’t run fasty. Aunt Robin and Uncle George were there too with Nuri (my half-sister) and Copper (my Bro.) Copper runs in Open, because he doesn’t yet have his AKC Field Championship. Nuri gets to run with me because I’m cute…ha, ha. It’s actually because we are both Field Champions, so we run in a class called Specials.
On Saturday, I won the Specials class, but tore my pad on my front right hand – ouchie!! It really hurt, but there wasn’t much blood. Momma cleaned it up at the field and we soaked it when we got home – that made it feel all better. Because of my injury, I couldn’t run for Best of Breed. Copper ended up with Best of Breed for his first 4-point major. Yeah Bro!
On Sunday, I wanted to go with my Momma and the rest of my brothers. I didn’t get to run, though. My hand still hurt. Nuri ended up winning Best of Breed, with 3 points towards her LCX2! Cayman, Copper, and Kaba had fun, too!